Saturday 15 September 2012

Does Increased Water Consumption Aid Weight Loss?

A lot of people are actually oblivious of the reasons why they are constantly being reminded of the need to drink sufficient amount of water on a daily basis. Consequently, when it comes to the issue of whether water actually aids weight loss, the more oblivious and perhaps confused a lot of people might be.
To begin with, it is actually an established fact that the daily drinking of sufficient amount of water is highly capable of assisting an individual achieve a significant amount of bodyweight loss. The problem is that a lot of people simply do not drink enough amount of water in order to reap the tremendous benefits of using water as a weight loss adjuvant.
The human body is largely made up of water as it constitutes about 45-75% of total bodyweight. Most of the variability in body water composition is due to the differences in individual body fat composition as well as the age and gender of the individual. Generally, fat-free mass (lean muscle mass) is about 70-75% water while body fat contains just about 10-40% water. An average adult man's body water percentage is about 60% while it is about 50% for the average adult woman mostly because men have more fat-free mass than women.
Physiologically, water is involved in so many processes that take place within the human body while also being a by-product of some these processes. In the body, water helps to dissolve simple elements, ions, and large organic compounds and therefore acts as a medium for various enzymatic and chemical reactions to take place within the body.
Furthermore, water can be said to be very vital to digestion and metabolism while it also helps in other physiological functions such as the regulation of body temperature; lubrication of joints; transportation of nutrients and oxygen to cells in the body through the blood; boosting the bioavailability of plant nutrients; and also the reduction of body toxicity through flushing out toxins and waste products.
Obviously, drinking the right amount of water on a daily basis is very important for our survival but when it comes to achieving permanent weight loss, there is need to drink more significant amount of water in order to raise the body's overall metabolism.
Nevertheless, what are the real reasons why drinking plenty of water on a daily basis is said to aid weight loss? Essentially, water aids weight loss through the following mechanisms.
1. Improved Kidney and Liver Functions
While part of the liver's major duty is to break down and metabolize (burn) fat, the main function of the kidney actually has more to do with getting toxic waste products that build up from various metabolic processes out of the body.
However, in a state of dehydration or when there is inadequate water intake, the functions of the kidneys may be greatly hampered resulting in toxic wastes not being properly flushed out of the body, a condition that causes increased body toxicity.
On communication of this water-deprived state of the kidneys and the toxicity level of the body to the liver, the liver subsequently turns its focus to retaining as much as water as possible in order to help with the elimination of toxins from the body.
This "distraction" or extra task placed on the liver by the kidneys due to inadequate water intake for the kidneys to function properly causes a significant reduction in the overall productivity of the liver especially in terms of metabolizing (burning) fat. This condition does not only tax the liver but also promotes the storage of unwanted body fat. Therefore, the daily drinking of adequate amounts of water goes a long way in boosting the overall functionality of both the liver and kidneys.

2. Prevention of Body Water Retention
Lack of adequate water intake over a period of time forces the body to assume a state of drought and in a bid to protect itself against dehydration, the body starts to hold onto the water it already has while equally conserving as much as possible any further water intake.
Dehydration is what actually makes the body to start holding onto the water it already has and not that the body retains extra water whenever a lot of water is drunk. This water retention when the body is dehydrated is what causes most of the extra weight and inches a lot of people are carrying around on their bodies especially around their belly, thighs, arms etc. and which generally makes them to look bloated.
The regular intake of adequate amounts of water can help the body to de-sensitize itself of the feeling of drought and to stop holding onto water thereby causing a significant reduction of bodyweight.
3. Appetite Suppression
Interestingly, several research studies have observed that the brain is actually not that effective in differentiating between the feelings of hunger and thirst as both conditions are simply requesting for something to fill the available space in the stomach.
Water normally fills you up and it is generally considered to be a natural appetite suppressant. So when next you are feeling hungry, remember that your body might simply be indicating that it is feeling dehydrated or thirsty. Therefore, instead of reaching for a snack, try substituting it with a glass of water and wait for about 15 minutes to see if the pangs subside.
4. Metabolic Enhancement
Water performs a very important role in the process of metabolism as it is needed by several enzymes and hormones that regulate energy and fat metabolism. However, a state of dehydration can slow these processes resulting in reduced energy levels which make exercising and other physical activities that boost metabolism more difficult.
Furthermore, adequate water intake allows digestive enzymes to be more effective at breaking down ingested foods thereby producing more energy for the body to utilize. Increased water intake also boosts energy levels by acting as a medium through which nutrients are more promptly delivered to body cells that require energy.
In summary, it is obvious that daily drinking of adequate amount of water and achieving permanent weight loss are two inseparable phenomena. Besides increasing the functionality of your liver and kidneys for provision of overflowing vitality and energy throughout the day, daily drinking of adequate amounts of water reduces your waistline and lets you achieve your permanent weight loss goals

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